Auckland GWN formally launched in Auckland on 18 March 2016 and continues to grow and develop through the efforts of the Working Group. Auckland GWN, unlike other government women's networks, is not tied to a specific organisation or agency.

In Auckland, there are over 120 separate government office sites and over 100,000 public servants. Auckland GWN Te Aka Wāhine o Tāmaki is a network for all interested women, and supporters, from any government organisation or agency in the wider Auckland area (e.g. Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, District Health Boards).


Auckland GWN's goals and aims

AGWN shares the larger GWN goals for their work. Where possible, events are held in a range of locations around the Auckland region, beyond just the CBD, to provide the best opportunities for women and their supporters to participate.

Auckland GWN shares the larger aims of GWN, and:

  • Addresses topics of interest to women in the greater Auckland area and promotes regional networking events
  • Shares resources and information between GWN and Auckland GWN and with networks throughout the Auckland region
  • Shares successes and outcomes from events and connect with their members and networks
  • Where relevant, supports GWN when information or help is sought
  • Shares government information with Auckland GWN members and promote information and events publicised by GWN
  • Shares issues, observations and suggestions from Auckland GWN members with GWN
  • Partners with the Women in Public Sector Summit (Auckland).

Auckland GWN Committee

Auckland GWN's Committee, led by the group's Chair, is made up of agency members from across the Auckland region.

Joanna Maskell, Chair, Auckland Council - Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau

Natasha Lewis, Co-chair, Auckland Council - Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau

Sarah Anderson, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited 

Cheryle Mikaere, Department of Corrections - Ara Poutama Aotearoa

Joanne Hacking, MBIE - Hīkina Whakatutuki 

Kim EgertonNew Zealand Customs Service - Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa

Theresse Ioaba, IRD - Te Tari Taake

Victoria Mataitonga, MBIE - Hīkina Whakatutuki

Holly Glover, Te Puni Kōkiri

Sonja Lister, Auckland Transport 

Lynette Marchant, NZ Defence Force - Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa

Liline Hewitt, Commerce Commission - Te Komihana Tauhokohoko


Join Auckland GWN Te Aka Wāhine o Tāmaki

To join the Auckland GWN, sign up to our newsletter mailing list.

If you're interested in taking a more active role as part of the Auckland GWN Committee or occasional volunteering, please get in touch.