Hosts:  Auckland Government Women's Network (AGWN)

Venue: Online via Teams

Date: 28 November 2024

Facilitator: Joanna Maskell Auckland GWN Chair

Speaker: Parul Sood, Deputy Director Resilience, and Infrastructure at Auckland Council


It was wonderful to spend 30 minutes with Parul and hear her insights into how to identify and maximise opportunities so we can push our careers forward.

This half hour lunchtime format will continue in 2025, so keep an eye on the ELN newsletter for the next episode!


Key takeaways

  • The importance of taking ownership of your own career and having a growth mindset
  • Make sure you are properly prepared for interviews
  • Consider roles and projects that may seem out of reach by applying transferrable skills and experience.
  • Role play your responses to some questions especially for those skills you don't believe you have experience with, but you do have transferable skills which would be relevant.
  • Practice talking about how your skills are transferable
  • Keep your attitude up alongside your aptitude - the right attitude makes a big difference.
  • Invest in yourself and your development, growth and learning!
  • We are the makers of our own destiny
  • Don't look for roles where you 'tick all the boxes', they won't be stretch roles. Look for say 85%of the competencies and how to learn the rest.
  • Be persistent and make time for yourself/your own goals
  • If you can, request support from your family when you are studying.

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