NZDF / WIN: Women in Defence
Hosts: NZDF / WIN / AGWN
Venue: Devonport Naval Base, Devonport, Auckland
Date: Monday 25 February, 2019
Attendance: approx. 70, including 26 AGWN members
On Monday 25 February 2019, 26 AGWN members attended a unique event hosted by the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) in conjunction with the Women’s Infrastructure Network (WIN) and AGWN.
The event included a chance to tour the Devonport Naval Base and hear from senior female leaders in the NZDF about their journey and life as military woman in the NZDF, including understanding what takes place at the home of the Navy.
The speeches included hearing from the Deputy Chief of Navy, a senior woman Naval Captain, the Commanding Officer of the HMNZ OTAGO naval ship and a senior Estate Manager on what it takes to deliver an “Integrated Defence Force” – being a connected, coordinated and agile military organization.
The event was informative and educational. The stories and the tour were inspiring and feedback from those who attended the event has been extremely positive. Members were impressed with the honesty and energy of the speakers and gained valuable insight into the challenge’s women in the Navy face in a male dominated environment.

- Meeting other people in the industry, understanding how the naval base works
- The honesty of the speaker’s stories, the ship visit
- Insight into how other women leaders prepare for big and new roles; increased understanding of how to deliver a (very) large operational capability - thanks to the tour of the fuel installation and the seamanship training facility
- A great day out - something I would not have had the opportunity to experience if it wasn’t for AGWN
- The three-way collaboration to deliver this event added a new level to the experience delivered
- It was a thoroughly enjoyable day - thank you to all parties involved.
Key outcomes
- building relationships across sectors thanks to co-hosting of event with WIN and NZDF
- professional development thanks to insights into operational delivery in a complex environment from the speakers and the guided tours
- role models to inspire leadership aspirations, inform leadership development, grow confidence and mitigate the effects of imposter syndrome.
AGWN would like to acknowledge and thank NZDF and WIN for their generosity as hosts and
You can read the speaker bios for this event, or for further information contact Anmar Taufeek, Chair, AGWN