SGWN Development Workshop 2
Speaker: John Eatwell and Julie Ryan
Host: SGWN
Venue: Ministry for Primary Industries, Christchurch
Date: 13 March, 2019
Attendance: 58
Strengths Based Development – Building Your Confidence, Wellness and Effectiveness
We followed on from our very successful first session with a double-headed presentation from HR Specialist and Psychologist John Eatwell and a session on CV Preparation from Recruitment Consultant, Julie Ryan. This time John talked about the research behind strengths-based development and its impact on achieving better outcomes development wise, more effective leadership, increased confidence, resilience and wellness impacts. He gave us food for thought around allowing ourselves or our employees to utilise our/their strengths, which would increase overall productivity, even in areas, considered weaknesses.
Julie held an interactive session on CV preparation, covering letters and presentation of yourself for an interview. The mixture of managers and non-managers in the room made for a great rounded discussion on the requirements of Government agencies and a recruitment agent’s advice about basic ways to sell yourself on your next job application.

Key messages
- Allow yourself to enjoy utilising your strengths, and forgive yourself for not pushing to deliberately improve areas of weakness.
- Being negative about failing to improve your weaknesses, negatively impacts your overall performance, even in areas that you consider strengths.
- Habits are easy and the brain enjoys habitual behaviour, so teach yourself some good habits and reinforce them with rewards.
- Always tailor your CV and covering letter to suit the job description. Always edit them to look professional, a photo is not required unless requested. Julie felt that covering letters are becoming less important in industry, but some Government agency managers in the room felt that the covering letter is as important as the CV for Government roles.