SGWN Profile: Alica Barwell
Alica Barwell, Committee Member
Alica’s been a Police Dispatcher & Communicator for nearly 17 years. After her experience with perimenopause which nearly saw her leave her job, she started a support group with a colleague. They are preparing guidelines and (hopefully) policy for police to assist women to transition through this very challenging time. Alica is also working towards developing training packages and becoming an advocate for women and their managers to halt the flow of menopausal age women leaving work. One in five women will seriously consider leaving work and one in twelve women will actually leave employment due to unmanageable menopause symptoms, and this has to stop.
Alica looks forward to working together with the SGWN to promote gender equality and a menopause policy for all government agencies.
Alica has been married for nearly 20 years and have a menagerie of four-legged fur babies (and turkeys) at home on a 10-acre block in North Canterbury. Her husband grows hydroponic strawberries in a commercial greenhouse. Hobbies include fishing, eating and drinking, hanging out with friends and family.