SGWN Profile: Paula Ratahi O'Neill
Tīhei mauri ora! He uri ahau nō Ngati Kurī, Ngāi Takoto me Ngapuhi, Ngati Porou te iwi.
Ko Rātahi, Paraha, Rapana, Rose, Ngauma, te ingoa whānau.
Ko Paula Rātahi-O'Neill toku ingoa.
Ko au he Māori, ko au he Wāhine, Ko au ko au ko au (I am Māori, I am wāhine, I am me, I am me, I am me).
Learning to thrive to leave a legacy
Paula Rātahi O'Neill is the General Manager, Contact Centres and Digital Services for Ministry of Social Development (MSD), a position which she describes as a privilege, especially offering support for some of the most impacted clients across Aotearoa in times of crisis and need.
Previously Paula worked for over 14.5 years with Ara Poutama Aotearoa Department of Corrections. She shared her insights and passed on some tips for being an effective leader – one that does more than just survive in a tough job but thrives and inspires their staff and colleagues.
I have been extremely blessed over my career to have crossed paths with many 'mana wāhine leaders' to which I have looked up to. These leaders have inspired and driven me to be the best I can be – without losing who I am in the process – on my leadership journey. They have also supported my development and growth over the years, for which I will always be truly grateful for. I would encourage you to find your advocates, the ones who want to see you successful and believe in you and your abilities.
As a leader I have learned that you need create mutual trust through transparency and clear expectations with your people. In other words, fostering a cooperative learning climate between parties enriches the culture. I continue to strive to create this with my leaders and kaimahi, to support their development and growth. What I've observed is that great leaders don’t just survive, they thrive and leave behind a legacy that inspires others and speak from their heart.
We often lose sight of who we are on the leadership journey and experience moments that have us question or doubt whether we are travelling the right pathway. What I can say from experience is that you will always come across people or situations that challenge this and often have an impact on our own self-belief, triggering thoughts of either imposter syndrome or worse still, no longer believing you are good enough. When we have these moments of doubt, that is when you need to surround yourself with the right people, who remind you of what you have achieved and what you are truly capable of, in a world where we need leaders to be authentic, passionate, brave and courageous.
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead.