Southern GWN Stories & Profiles
SGWN Profile: Amelia Steel
Read about the career and leadership journey of Inspector Amelia Steel, who leads the Southern District Women's Advisory network at NZ Police.
SGWN Suffrage Day event inspires career change
When SGWN Committee Member Tina Milne attended the Suffrage Day celebration breakfast in September, she was not expecting to be empowered to change her career.
SGWN interview: Heather Milne
Before leaving her role as SGWN's Coordinator, we spoke to Heather Milne about her time with SGWN, her volunteer work and new opportunities.
SGWN Interview: GirlBoss, Carmen Holdaway
As this year's first GirlBoss Edge Justice Challenge winner for GWN, Carmen Holdaway had the opportunity to visit just sector agencies in Christchurch. She gave us her first-hand account of this experience.
SGWN Committee Profile: Kirsty Paterson
Kirsty Paterson has worked for Border Clearance Services at MPI since 2018 and is a valued member of the Southern GWN Committee. As Covid19 started to cause a dramatic reduction of international flights to New Zealand, MPI had to redeploy Quarantine Officers at Christchurch Airport to different areas.
SGWN Profile: Jennie Farrar-de Wagt
Southern GWN's new Chair, Jennie Farrar-de Wagt, is the Development Partner for the Southern Region at the Department of Corrections Ara Poutama Aotearoa. Jennie continues the trend of Southern GWN Chairs by bringing a wealth of experience and a professional and practical approach to the role.
SGWN Profile: Monique Croon
Monique Croon is the first female Mayor of the Chatham Islands, and she experiences unique challenges and successes in her role on New Zealand's remote and beautiful outpost.
SGWN Committee Profile: Tina Milne
Tina is is a Wellness Advisor for the Police, as part of the Safer People Group. She provides a confidential wellbeing service to staff and families with an emphasis on a duty of care to do no harm.
SGWN Committee Profile: Jennifer Leahy
Jennifer Leahy, is Sector Services Manager (Southern) for Ako Aotearoa. She is based in Christchurch with her husband and two young adult children, and comes from a family of teachers and people who like to support their community.
SGWN Profile: Lan Pham
We chatted (via email for appropriate social distancing) with ECan’s youngest Councillor, Lan Pham, in May 2020 to find out who inspires her, what keeps her motivated, and how she deals with challenges.